Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Indigo Class: Mrs Rankin and Mrs Patel
Blue Class: Miss Butler and Miss Blake
Sapphire Class: Miss Semmens
Our LSAs: Emma, Lynn, Emma and Sally
Our topics are:
- The Vikings
- North America
- Notable Tudors
- Rivers
- The Victorians
- Space
Year 5 is an amazing year for learning and fun! Please see Schoolgateway and the News section on the website for regular updates on what we are up to.
Some things to remember:
- PE days are Wednesday and Friday
- Forest School is on Thursday, every 3 weeks
- Reading Folders should be in school every day
- TTRockstars is great for practising Maths at home
- Spelling Shed should be accessed as much as possible.
- Dip and Do homework is set weekly.
- You are special and you are loved!