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Year 3 News

On this page you will find all the News from Years 3.

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  • What was your most memorable part of our History and Geography study this year?

    Published 19/07/24

    Well it was a busy week for Year 3 in the lead up to the big finish, with plenty of learning building on our knowledge of time in Maths, writing letters and beautifully descriptive writing pieces for our next Year 4 teachers as well as creating amazing double page spreads showing all that we have learnt in Geography and History over the year. We have just about coped in the heat as well!

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  • Year 3: What did you enjoy about skipping this week?

    Published 11/07/24

    This week we have been fortunate enough to have a skipping workshop which was great fun! Our trip to Sutton High Street was useful and we were able to really unpick the different shops and land usage that we saw. Finally, Sports Day to end the week was great and the children all worked really hard.

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  • Year 3: What songs did you enjoy in the Year 6 production?

    Published 04/07/24

    Another busy week in Year 3 as we continued with our Science topic about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We had a discussion in class as to whether recycling or reusing is best for the environment and the children came up with some lovely ideas! We were also fortunate enough to watch the Year 6 performance - an amazing show with lots of fun songs and characters that I know the children all enjoyed. They all also met their new teachers this week and have started to feel inspired by their new exciting topics!

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  • Year 3: What surprised you most about how much water people use?

    Published 27/06/24

    This week Year 3 enjoyed their personal bests challenges! We were very proud of how hard everyone worked and how supportive each team was for each other. Our new book, 'Dear Earth' has really inspired us to start thinking about how beautiful our planet truly is and how humans are starting to change it! 

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  • Year 3: What makes a good team?

    Published 20/06/24

    This week in Year 3 we have been completing our termly booklets and everyone has worked so hard to demonstrate all the fantastic learning and progress that they have made this week. The children have continued looking at 3D structures in Art, starting to consider the shapes that we can see in a structure and how we might be able to make this. 

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  • Year 3: What are horizontal and vertical lines?

    Published 13/06/24

    This week the children have started to learn about our local area and the borough of Sutton, many of us were shocked at just how large a population it has. Every week the children have been taking part in their Spanish lessons and it is amazing to hear how confident they now are in talking about their likes and dislikes as well as when their birthday's are! We started an experiment in Science about which recycled materials make the best plant pots and are eagerly waiting to see our plants grow.

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  • Year 3: How did you make your 2D cardboard shapes stand up?

    Published 06/06/24

    What a brilliant start to the new half term! Year 3 have all come back focused and ready to learn for our final half term. We have started a new writing unit where we will be looking at writing a biography about William Kamkwamba; the children have been amazed at his resilience and determination. Our new Art unit on 3D sculptures interested everyone and we had a great discussion about whether Robert Morris's installation Bodyspacemotionthings at the Tate Modern counted as Art!

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  • Year 3: Can you perform our poem for your family at home?

    Published 22/05/24

    We have had a busy week again to finish off the half term. We all finished our diary entry star write and the children have really excelled themselves with their ideas! At the end of the week, we read the poem ''Cosmic Disco" by Grace Nichols and thought about our tone, actions and volume when performing it in groups on Friday. We were able to finish our learning about the Shang Dynasty, having discovered all their incredible achievements and ultimately what battle ended their reign! 

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  • Year 3: What did we learn about Buddhism on our trip?

    Published 15/05/24

    Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed our week with our special trip to the Buddhist Temple in Wimbledon. We were very lucky to hear a talk and we definitely learnt a lot. We are also coming to the end of our Fractions unit and we have been so impressed with how hard-working and dedicated the children have been throughout this topic! 

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  • Year 3: What are the different stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant?

    Published 09/05/24

    In Year 3 this week we have enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a flowering plant and coming up with drama/actions to remember the steps. It linked perfectly with our art, where the children are gaining confidence and patience to sketch and draw flowers in detail. 

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  • Year 3: What ambitious words or phrases did you use to describe the jungle this week?

    Published 01/05/24

    This week the children gathered an extensive bank of vocabulary in English which allowed them to write their own independent descriptive paragraphs. We also finished our topic in Maths of Capacity. The children are also really enjoying our art topic of sketching, taking real time and care to shade and sketch accurately.

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  • Year 3: If you were alive during the Shang Dynasty, what role would you have liked?

    Published 25/04/24

    This week in Year 3 we have continued to learn about our new History topic and we have already started to make some amazing comparisons back to Ancient Egypt! We have enjoyed writing descriptive paragraphs about the Firework Maker's Daughter and have worked hard to include ambitious vocabulary. 

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