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Year 6 News

You can find all the weekly news from Year 6 linked below.

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  • What surprised you during Mr Bushby's PSHE lesson?

    Published 12/02/25

    We were very pleased to welcome back Mr Bushby on Wednesday. He spoke to each Year 6 class about being safe online and the children explored this through group discussions, scenarios and whole class discussions. The children learnt a lot about something that is very pertinent to all children and has been part of other discussions we have had this week.

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  • What causes in our world, matter to you?

    Published 05/02/25

    In PSHE this week, Year 6 have been considering aspects of Citizenship. We discussed how we can be good citizens by helping causes that matter to us. Many of the children shared that aspects of Climate Change matter to them and they are keen to do their part for the future of our world. Another cause that was discussed was raising money to support research into Cancer and Dementia treatments. It is so good to know that our children are conscious of some of the needs in our world and they want to make our world a better place. 

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  • How many different ways did Britain have of defence against bombing during WW2?

    Published 30/01/25

    As part of our History about World War Two, we have been discussing the Blitz and the children have been finding out about how people could defend themselves. We have also looked at a fascinating website about the bombs that hit London and the children have been interested finding out about the bombs that hit Sutton. You'll be pleased to know that no bombs fell on that site that is now our school!

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  • What was your Evacuation experience like?

    Published 22/01/25

    World War Two is always an exciting day and much anticipated and this year's was no exception! The children came dressed in a whole array of costumes, which caused discussion. We have been finding out more about Evacuation and about Rationing, with lots of experiences along the way. 

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  • Who is this and what did he announce on the radio?

    Published 15/01/25

    This week, Year 6 have begun their History topic about World War Two and have looked at the reasons behind the outbreak. They have also found out a little about the major events of the war, such as Dunkirk, the Blitz, the Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbour, D-Day, VE Day and VJ Day. The children are also getting very excited about World War Two Day on Jan 24th - there have been many discussions about outfits for the day!

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  • What did you learn during our DT Cooking project this week?

    Published 08/01/25

    Our DT Cooking project has been a great way to kickstart our learning this term. Using recipes that had been found before Christmas, the children prepared and served one course out of a 3-course meal. As well as sampling their own food, children have sampled each other's food and given them some feedback, based on presentation, smell and taste. Terms such as 'slicing', 'dicing' and 'en papillote', have been explored. Some children learnt how to chop different types of fruit and vegetables. The aromas coming out of Year 6 have been amazing! A huge thank you to the parents and carers who have volunteered to help with this project.

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  • What is your 'hero ingredient' for our cooking project in January?

    Published 18/12/24

    This week, Year 6 have been planning their part of our DT cooking project for our first week back in January. Based on the programme, 'Come Dine With Me', each group will be cooking either a starter or a main course or a dessert. They worked hard to research a recipe that matched the criteria and are excited to begin the cooking of this after Christmas.

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  • How did the Maya form their writing?

    Published 11/12/24

    This week, the children have been finding out about the Mayan written language. The children drew in ther books, one of the words and were fascinated to find out about how it could be read. We linked this to other areas of our History learning throughout the school, such as the Ancient Egyptians.

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  • Who did you choose to write as, in your Star Writing and why?

    Published 04/12/24

    We have been working very hard in English, writing diary entries based on 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell. The children could choose which character they wanted to write as Fred or Con. Both are complex characters, with much in common, yet there is friction between them. The children have been writing independently, for their Autumn 2 Star Writing.

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  • Which scientific terms did you use to classify the living things images?

    Published 27/11/24

    In Science this week, the children were tasked with sorting a selection of images of living things according to various scientific criteria, using the correct terminology to label them. This caused much discussion about the difference between amphibians and reptiles as well as between molluscs and worms. 

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  • How did your group decide to classify (sort) the images?

    Published 20/11/24

    In Science this week, Year 6 have been looking at Classification of plants. They were tasked with classifying images of plants according to their own criteria, in groups. We then discussed the various different ways of doing this, which led us to the conclusion that there needed to be one agreed system, rather than lots of different systems. 

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  • How did the Maya play Pok-a-tok?

    Published 14/11/24

    In Year 6 this week, we have launched our History topic about the Ancient Maya by looking at the significance of the game Pok-a-tok. We have explored the rules and the children have been very surprised to learn that losing could be very dangerous indeed for the team captain in particular! Additionally, knocking the ball with your hip only, is very hard!

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