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Parent Feedback

We welcome feedback from our parents and carers; our most recent parent survey (January 2024) explored to what extent our parents feel engaged in their child's learning.  At our Inset Day, we used the outcomes of the survey to inform the development of a new engagement strategy, designed to ensure that we are doing all we can to make sure our parents and carers have the information they need to support their child/ren's learning and development.

Our parents and carers recognise the important role they play when it comes to their child/ren's learning with 98.3% of respondents saying they feel that this is 'important' (25.4%) or 'very important' (72.9%)

Outcomes of the survey were:

To what extent do you feel that the school values you as a parent/carer?

(0 is 'not very much' and 10 is 'a lot')

81.4% gave a score of 7+, with 20.3% giving the maximum score of 10


How do you rate the school's communication with you?

(0 is 'not very good' and 10 is 'excellent)

76.3% gave a score of 7+, with 27.1% giving the maximum score of 10


91.5% of respondents said they feel able to approach staff with concerns about their child


The biggest variation in answers came to the question

'How do you find it when you help your child with their learning at home?'

(0 is 'very easy' and 10 is 'very hard')

It is of great benefit to children if their parents are comfortable and confident supporting learning.  We are therefore reviewing our offer in terms of parent workshops and opportunities for parents to come into school to support parents in becoming more confident to support learning in the home.  Watch this space!

And a few of the quotes from the survey that we are very proud of:

'The school does a vast amount to engage us with the learning, the peek of the week this year has been very useful.'

'At the moment, the communication is fantastic.'

'As a new mum to the school I have been so pleased with the communication and the workshops offered to reception parents, you have made the transition of starting school with my eldest so much easier so thank you! I really enjoy the parent workshops and would love some more of them please.'