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Pupil Leadership Training

We were extremely impressed with the engagement and passion which our children displayed for the various leadership roles that commenced their training this week and last. Specifically, we had training for our first wave of Mental Health First Aiders, Language Ambassadors, Music Ambassadors and Faith Ambassadors. The initial training sessions highlighted what responsibilities children would have for these roles and the sorts of events and initiatives which might be included over the course of the academic year. A Pupil leadership calendar of events will be shared eventually with the whole school community, but our Faith Ambassadors will soon be preparing greetings cards and an assembly on Diwali, our Language Ambassadors will commence bilingual 1-1 reading with pupils where English is their second language and our Mental Health First Aiders will start planning well-being and mindfulness activities for their classes and our Music Ambassadors are preparing for some live shows coming up in assemblies soon - plus so much more to come! We still have class ambassador training to complete which will take place next week, and in addition to this, there are some pupils who were not able to attend their initial training sessions, and so extra sessions will be timetabled in to ensure no children miss out.