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Team Sports Zone in action!

We have successfully begun introducing the new team sports zone into the KS2 playground over the past two weeks. The children in Years 3-6 had opportunities to take part in organised games of football, basketball and netball across the week, with rolling subs in different coloured bibs for subsequent games. The ten minute sessions mean children get a consistent and fair game each time, and it means there is lots of rotating of players throughout the lunch break, ensuring as many children as possible get the chance to play. The maturity and gamesmanship of all children who took part has been commendable, and we are looking forward to another positive experience on the playground next week too. Hockey, handball and tag rugby will be happening very soon too!

As you may well be aware, our Scrapstore play pod has been built and is being loaded up with incredible scrap materials after half term, and we are in the process of working with our Junior Leadership Team, representing the voice of the pupils across the school, to determine the kinds of play zones we want to see created in our outdoor spaces.