Year 6

Which argument against deforestation do you believe is the most compelling? Why?
In Year 6 this week, we have been debating the Deforestation question. We have looked at the arguments on both sides and the facts behind them. Written answers have been improved with the addition of persuasive phrases and emotive language, which have made the children's writing much more effective and putting their point across. The children have also experienced a debate, with turn-taking, respect, calm voices, listening and responding to each other's points of view carefully. We have finished our Geography topic about Brazil and the children have shown their knowledge in the form of a set of Google Slides, answering each of the enquiry questions that have been the basis of our learning this half-term. In Maths, we have continued our learning about Fractions, using knowledge from Year 5 to help with addition and subtraction of fractions. The children have shown great perseverance and determination - part of our Leaners for Life pillar which underpins our curriculum. Of course, our trip to RHS Wisley on Tuesday was a huge success and the children behaved well. They learnt a lot about Science and were amazed by some of the plants in the glasshouse. They had a great time as well.