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What was your favourite moment from 'Aladdin Trouble'?

Year 6 News

It has been such an exciting week! Our performances of our end-of-year production, 'Aladdin Trouble' went better than we ever have imagined. Our first show to the rest of the school was heart-warming, as they clearly enjoyed the humour and the slapstick comedy that the Year 6 children performed so well. Our final performance on Tuesday evening, to a packed audience of family and friends was incredible. The children dug deep and found something 'extra' to give and the show was the best ever. All were exhausted but elated - so were the staff involved too! We are so proud of all the children achieved and the amazing team work they all showed. Another key event this week for the majority of Year 6 have been High School Induction days. It was lovely to hear all about their day spent at their new school and to dig a little deeper into how to make the best possible start, in various PSHE transition lessons that we have been completing this week.