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What surprised you about the heart?

Year 6 News

It's been a busy week in Year 6 and probably the most exciting part was Science on Thursday, when the children dissected a lamb's heart. This was a great way to kick off our topic about the Circulatory system and allow the children to experience some of the scientific enquiry methods they will encounter at high school. Wearing protective aprons and gloves, the children used disposable scalpels to very carefully cut into the heart to see the inside. After some initial reservations, almost all the children were confident to hold and touch the heart as well as insert their finger into one of the valves. This has certainly helped them to remember key facts about the heart. We have also had a number of visitors into Year 6 this week. On Tuesday, we had the Worry Ninjas team, who lead the first of 3 workshops dealing with feelings around transition to high school. Year 7 teachers from some of the high schools our children will be starting at in September have also been into meet the children. They all commented on how polite and enthusiastic our children were. Our final visitor was from a drugs prevention organisation, who helped us to cover some of both the Science and the PSHE content the children need to learn this half term.