What surprised you from the Online Safety Workshop?
Year 6 News
On Thursday, Year 6 had a visitor, who spoke to each class in turn about the importance of Online Safety. The children had many great questions, and they found out just how careful they need to be when they are online. This was followed up into the evening with a workshop for parents and carers. In History this week, the children have been finding out about possible theories about what happened to the Maya. They have also produced very high quality double page spreads to showcase their learning about the Maya. This involved taking two pages of their History book to answer all the enquiry questions we have explored during this topic. They have included pictures, key vocabulary, their own research and detailed answers to show just how much they have learnt. They have also decorated and illustrated these beautifully. We are very proud of their efforts. This week, the children have been completing booklets in Maths, Reading, Grammar and Spellings, and they have worked hard to show what they have learnt not just in Year 6, but across their time in KS2. A hard-working week, but a good one.