What surprised you about the characters' reactions in 'Snack Attack'?
Year 6 News
Year 6 have been using a short film clip called 'Snack Attack' this week in English, which had an unexpected twist at the end. They have been using it to help with revision of some of the grammar techniques that they need to know. The children have written some fantastic sentences as practice for their Star Writing about it next week. In Maths, we have been revising Statistics and finding out how calculating the average (the mean) is used in Sports. We have begun our new History topic, 'Ever-Changing Britain', which continues on from where we left off before Easter. We have looked at VE and VJ Days and the state Britain was in at the end of World War Two. The children have found out why the newly elected Labour government introduced the National Health Service in 1948. We have also been considering the fantastic job our NHS do today; how the pandemic has highlighted this and how grateful we are to have a free health service in this country.