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Year 5 News

Here you will find all about recent activity in Year 5

April 2022

  • What did you enjoy most about Victorian Day?

    Published 28/04/22

    This week in Year 5, we have been drafting our non-chronological reports all about peppered moths. We have been focusing closely on the life cycle of the peppered moth, as well as the history and evolution of these fascinating creatures. In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about decimals and using place value grids to help us explain what each digit in the decimal represents. We have then been converting these decimals to fractions. 

    In Science, we propagated plants to demonstrate the process of asexual reproduction. In History, we learnt about Queen Victoria and her impact on Victorian Britain and the rest of the British Empire at the time. In DT, we explored CAMs and the different ways in which they move. In RE, we started looking at Sikhism and we learnt about Guru Nanak and his influence upon the religion. 

    By far the most exciting part of our week, though, was Victorian Day! We came into school dressed as Victorian children, and we became fully immersed; learning what life would have been like. We played traditional Victorian games, wrote in silence, recited times tables and recited the Lord's Prayer. Our teachers were very strict and we even got caned! 

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  • What is the story of the peppered moth?

    Published 20/04/22

    What a lovely first week back! Year 5 have been busy reading 'Moth', a book about evolution and adaptation. The children dissected tulips in order to identify the male and female parts of the plant. In Maths, we have started our Decimals unit and in Computing we explored the Lady Bug Munch code on Scratch. We have started our Victorians topic in History, and we cannot wait for our Victorian Day on Monday!  

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April 2022