Year 5: What facts can you recall about The Vikings?

What a first term we have had in Year 5! We have had so many amazing moments. Mrs Rankin's favourite part is definitely all the amazing drama the children have produced. These dramatic battle scenes brought our Viking topic alive and helped the children to digest the details. I don't think they will forget the Battle of Hastings. Mrs Patel has loved watching the children's portrait skills develop in Art. The finished pieces are exceptional. Miss Butler is amazed at the children's achievements in Swimming lessons this term. Confident swimmers have become even more confident and first time swimmers have made so much progress. She would love to see the children continue to visit Cheam Swimming Pool to continue to develop their skills. Miss Semmens loved teaching the children about materials and their properties. She enjoyed observing the children during science investigations, especially when the children were given the task of separating a mixture using different pieces of equipment. We all look forward to the new year and continuing to get to know and teach your children. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year.