Year 5: Who were the Vikings and what was the impact of their first invasion?

This week in Year 5, we have started our Vikings topic. The children have been learning about who they were, why they were significant and how this links with modern day Britain. Our Literacy unit is based off the text 'Faith Over Ferocity', which is a recount of the Viking invasion of Lindisfarne. It is an excellent stimulus for Writing. In Maths, we have started our multiplication unit, looking at multiples, common multiples, factors, common factors and prime numbers. In RE, we have been learning about the Hindu festival of Durga Puja, Navaratri. In Computing, we have been looking at websites and why they are useful and in PSHE we have been learning about community groups. Science this half term is a continuation of our Materials unit and Blue Class have been continuing with their Swimming lessons. We are looking forward to a really successful half term!