What did you find most interesting about the life and work of Jane Goodall?
Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
This week, Year 5 have spent lots of time writing up their wonderfully persuasive letters as their star writes – this is some of the best writing we have seen all year and we are all really impressed with the efforts that everyone has put in!
In Science, we have been researching and learning about the life of Jane Goodall and her importance in the conservation of chimpanzees in the wild. In Maths, we have finished our unit on negative numbers and focussed on more mental maths towards the end of the week. IN PSHE, we learnt about the negative and positive effects of advertising and how they should require closer scrutiny before believing everything which is trying to be sold to us!
We wish everyone a safe and restful half term – please remember to wear sun cream over the sunny break!