What did you enjoy most about the trip to Hampton Court Palace?

This week in Year 5, we have been gearing up for the sensational visit to Hampton Court Palace – an iconic part of History. What a fantastic time we had there! The children were exceptionally well-behaved and really showed themselves to be tremendous ambassadors for Dorchester. The children were particularly in admiration of the fantastic fire pit in the palace kitchens. In Maths, we have been practising multiplication using the formal method, and really ensuring accuracy with all individual steps, please test your children regularly at home with times tables practise as it is so important for these to be embedded in the short and long term memory. In English, we have been practising our reading skills, focussing on inference and deduction. In SPAG we are looking at different kinds of adverbials for time, e.g. whilst, a few moments later, as time passed…etc. We are looking forward to producing some great work all about Hampton Court very soon!