How do relative clauses add extra information to your writing?

We have had a wonderful second week in Year 5. Routines are becoming established and the hard and exciting work is really taking shape now!
In English, we have been focussing on creating expanded noun phrases and using relative clauses, all in the context of writing about the Vikings and the invasion of England. In Maths, we have continued on working on place value, looking at rounding, estimating, partitioning and comparing numbers up to 100,000.
In RE, we have learnt about who Brahman is and the history of Hinduism - we had some really lovely writing about how Brahman is everything and everything and everywhere - some wonderfully philosophical comments coming from so many pupils!
In PE, we have started playing some team ball games, specifically a great version of bench ball - ask your children about it (unless they are in Blue class, in which case ask them about how their swimming is going!
In Science, we investigated which materials were soluble or insoluble, and had some great discussions about their suitability as materials in real life contexts, like, why could you not make a sandcastle out of sugar and water if the beach was made of sugar?
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