What has been your favourite part of this week?

What a week! Most of Year 5 went to Kingswood on their residential, and we had the best time. We did archery, wood skills, problem solving and more. We even braved the 3G swing! The children were incredible and showed amazing independence and resilience. They kept their bedrooms tidy and supported their friends. The adults didn't even mind being woken up at 3am because they knew the children were having so much fun!... Well, maybe they minded a little!
The children who stayed went bowling on Monday and then took part in Forest School and a wonderful Dragon's Den style activity, where they designed new equipment for the playground.
When all of us were back together, we took part in a carousel of activities on Thursday morning, and learnt about the 5Ks of Sikhism, as well as revising our arithmetic skills. We celebrated National Fruit Cocktail Day in Art, creating beautiful tissue paper collages.
It is hard to believe that there are only two weeks left before half term... our wonderful Year 5s are nearly in Year 6! This week has definitely demonstrated how mature and grownup they are.