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How is hydroelectric power renewable?

This week, it was Science week! We learned all about challenging stereotypes of what scientists can be like, and how there are so many successful scientists who are of every gender, skin colour and religion. Anyone can do science! In Geography, we had a big science link this week, and we have been continuing on our journey of rivers, but this week focussing on how rivers can be used sustainably as a renewable energy resource. Next week, we will be making our own hydroelectric dam models and still request as many 4 or 8 pint milk bottles so that as many of us can do this experiment as possible.

 Year 5 have also been completing their Mathematics booklets - testing their knowledge in arithmetic and reasoning. We have been busily practising our Easter production, and the singing and acting is really taking shape, we are all extremely excited to perform for you all in the last week of term! We still have a few children left to complete some due to various illnesses last week, but we are really so proud of all he hard work the children have put in to these booklets, and we look forward to discussing these with you at parents evening next week.


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