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Year 3

What can fossils tell us about prehistoric life?

This week the children loved learning about a new country on our 'Around the World Day'.  In Amber Class we looked at Sri Lanka, in Orange Class we looked at Germany and in Saffron Class we looked at Thailand.  Each class looked at the physical and human features of the country and learnt about the religions, food and celebrations that happen.

In Computing, the children have learnt how to add sprites and are beginning to program their movements.  In Science, we looked at fossils and learnt about how they can teach us about prehistoric life and in RE we looked at the importance of prayer in the Sikh community.

In English the children have been writing our final Star Write of this half term and have been writing a letter from a boy who travelled bag in time to the Stone Age.  They have worked really hard to include expanded noun phrases, adverbials and perfect present tense in their writing.