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Year 3/4 news 30.06.23

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This week, we finished our assessment booklets for the whole year! The children have tried really hard and we are so proud of the effort they have put in. We have also started a new book called Penguin Problems which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. They have been practising their reading skills and retelling the story. In Maths, we have been finishing our learning about symmetry using mirrors. In RE, we have been looking at Karma and how this affects Buddhist's lives and decisions that they make. Our latest Science experiment is to investigate the effects of light on plants. We have currently got one plant in direct sunlight and another in a dark cupboard to see what will happen to them. In Computing, we have been completing each other's Google form surveys to test them and gather data. We have been learning how to deal with difficult situations in PSHE and learning about empathy and tolerance. 


What do you think will happen to the plant in the dark and why?