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6.1.23 Year 3/4 news

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We have had a great start to the new year! Year 3 have been reading the story of Egyptian Cinderella and looking at the familiar features between the original and this version of a well known story. We have learnt how to show our emotions in writing without saying what that emotion is. Year 4 have started a new story too called Sulwe. It is about a little girl who does not like the colour of her skin. We have written sonnets similar to the poem that she writes for God. In Maths, Year 3 have begun the topic of money and have been learning to recognise different coins and notes and their value. We have also learnt to exchange coins and notes for the same amount in different representations. In Year 4, we have been learning to divide using partitioning and have even started to look at how to do this with remainders. In History, we have begun our topic of Ancient Egypt, focusing on how artefacts from this period give us clues as to what life was like. In Art, we looked at Ancient Egyptian art and tried to create some of our own. 


What are you looking forward to seeing at the museum next week?