How does the ear turn vibrations into sounds we can hear?

This week, we have been focusing on our wellbeing including lessons on anti-bullying and how to support our friends and classmates. We have also looked at our value for this half-term which is self-belief and we concentrated on how we can use our words to develop confidence and resilience. Through English and Geography, we have continued to learn about Africa and more specifically Kenya and the Masai tribe. We have learned about the similarities and differences between our ways of life and we have compared different settlements in Kenya, both rural and urban. In Science, we learned how sound travels from a source to our ear and how our ear can turn this into the sounds we hear. We also learned that the smallest bones in our body can be found in the ear! During our RE lessons, we went on a virtual visit to a Mosque to find out all the important parts and why they are so significant to Muslims.