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Year 3 News

On this page you will find all the News from Years 3.

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  • Year 3: How long do you predict it will take for our flowers and celery to change colour?

    Published 18/04/24

    It has been lovely to welcome everyone back this week for a focused, full week of learning! We have particularly enjoyed setting up our Science experiment about how water is transported through a plant - the children are excitedly observing the plants waiting for them to change colour! 

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  • Year 3: What nonsense items did you include in your poem?

    Published 28/03/24

    What a busy final week of term! We have written some amazing nonsense poems and the children have worked really hard all week! In Forest School they made an Easter tree which has brightened up our corridor. One highlight was definitely completing the Easter Egg Hunt and meeting the Easter Bunny!

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  • Year 3: How did we use programming in D.T?

    Published 20/03/24

    This week we have revisited our D.T and started to consider how programming can be used to enhance new products! The children very excitedly started to work on this and showed great resilience. They also had a brilliant Tuesday morning engaging in 'Personal Bests'. The children had a fantastic time and it was lovely to see them all supporting each other.

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  • Year 3: Can you sing our Ukulele song to your family at home?

    Published 13/03/24

    This week in Year 3 we have been really focusing on our reading skills and unpicking vocabulary in different texts, it is always exciting to be able to use the chromebooks to help us with this and to share our ideas with others. We started fractions in Maths and the resilience and positive approach the children has shown has been fantastic! 

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  • Year 3:How well did our rafts float in Forest School?

    Published 06/03/24

    This week the children have been working exceptionally hard to finish all of their booklets, we are very proud of their effort and determination throughout these. In Forest School, the children were very able to test out their rafts to see if they floated and were very excited to see the results! We finished our travel guides on Egypt in English this week as a star write and we definitely have some very persuasive students in the year group. 

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  • Year 3: What happened to the pencil when it went in a glass of water?

    Published 28/02/24

    This week we have enjoyed seeing how water plays tricks with the light when we put pencils in a glass! We also started to plan out our instructional videos for Computing - the ideas so far are brilliant and us teachers are excited to learn many new things from the children!

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  • Year 3: What did you enjoy most about our orchestra trip?

    Published 23/02/24
    This week we had an exciting opportunity to go to St Andrews Church in Cheam.  We got to listen to a string quartet and learn about the instruments used.  Everyone really enjoyed the experiences.  We learnt about how the size of the in
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  • Year 3: What did you enjoy most about Egyptian Day?

    Published 09/02/24

    Year 3 loved their Egyptian Day and looked amazing in their costumes.  Mr Egypt took us on a journey  fromm 3000BC to 31BC.  We looked at where Egypt was, looked at different tombs in Egypt and participated in an Egyptian dance.  In the afternoon we were able to hold different artefacts and 'mummified' our friends!

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  • Year 3: What can we learn from artefacts from Ancient Egypt about Tutankhamun and other Pharaohs?

    Published 01/02/24

    This week the children all really enjoyed researching artefacts from ancient Egypt.  We looked at their uses and what we can learn about Egyptian society from them.  We looked at the pyramids, Egyptian art on papyrus paper, jewellery, Canopic jars and sarcophaguses.  We discussed how they were made and their purposes.

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  • Year 3: What is a non-chronological report?

    Published 25/01/24
    This week we have been learning all about non-chronological reports and have used them to learn about Ancient Egypt.  We have learnt about Tutankhamun and why he was a famous pharaoh.  We also looked at Howard Carter and his discoveries.
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  • Year 3: What was mummification and why was it important to the Ancient Egyptians?

    Published 19/01/24

    This week Year 3 have particularly enjoyed learning about the mummification process in Ancient Egypt.  We looked at why the Egyptians believed that it was important to preserve bodies and how they did it.  We learnt that the whole process would take around 70 days.  Afterwards, we acted out the process in groups.

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  • Year 3: Who were the Ancient Egyptians and what roles did they have in society?

    Published 11/01/24
    It has been lovely to see the children back after Christmas and we hope that everyone had a well deserved rest over the holidays.  The children have come back keen to learn and get back into their routines which has been great to see. This we
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