Year 2: What do clear instructions need to include?

This week, Year 2 have been learning about instruction writing. We explored what makes good instructions and what doesn't, by first making jam sandwiches. We identified that if instructions weren't clear, our sandwiches weren't going to be very delicious! We had to work together to make them as clear as possible. Here are some things we learned:
To write in clear instructions, we need to use imperative (bossy) verbs. We should use time adverbials like; first, then, next, after that, to help keep the instructions in order. We should lay it out in clear sections, making sure we have a title/ heading, an introduction, and an equipment list (‘you will need’). We can also add pictures with labels on to help show our readers what they need to do.
On Tuesday, the children looked at some instructions on "How to Build a Bug Hotel" - they then had a go at making one. We were very impressed at how well they came out. We are looking forward to seeing whether they attract some minibeasts to our allotment. Following that, the children wrote up their own instructions, to explain to others how to make one.
We have had lots of fun this half term with our Toys topic, and the children have learned so much! We can't wait to get back after our Easter break to start our new topic on The Great Fire of London. Please see the "Peek at next term" attachment for more details.