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Year 2

What can you remember about Peru / Poland?

This week, the children have been working hard on how to write a diary in their English lessons. They have had to use their imagination to pretend to be the Jolly Postman, and have written some lovely accounts of his day delivering letters to Far Away Land. In Maths, the children have used ten frames and number lines to add two and three 1-digit numbers together, using their knowledge of number bonds to help them. In PSHE, we have been talking about making careful choices. In RE, we began to think about harvest time, and how Christians celebrate the harvest. In Computing, the children sent a reply email to Mrs. Bell with all the clues we gathered about which staff member took the missing cake - hopefully we’ll find it soon! In Science, we sorted some materials into natural and human-made. Finally, our Geography day on Wednesday was wonderful - the children were so sensible on the trip. We walked all around Worcester Park- along the high street and then through the Hamptons- to see which natural and physical features we could see. The children then drew some very detailed maps of their journey, and created their own map symbols to show where they went. In the afternoon, we spent some time talking about the country we will be exhibiting next week in the school’s ‘Around the World’ showcase - Buttercup started learning about Peru, and Topaz, Poland. We are looking forward to showing you all next week.