What can we learn from the stories of Jesus?

Throughout the week in English, the children have been showing us how detailed they can be in their use of adjectives in sentences, as well as adding extra details by using the conjunctions ‘and, but, so’. In Maths, they have been applying their knowledge of tens and ones numbers to estimate using a number line, and to compare whether their numbers are greater or less than each other. In Geography, we used the compass points ‘north, south, east and west’ to describe where parts of the UK are in relation to each other. In Computing, the children were sent an email attachment from Mrs. Bell, which we agreed as safe to open, containing key information towards our mystery of who stole cake from the staff room! The children had to record the information, and think of questions to ask Mrs Bell, which we will be sending in an email reply. In RE, we listened to some of the parables from the Bible, and thought about the messages Jesus was trying to give to his followers. The children particularly enjoyed the Good Samaritan story, as it was about showing kindness to others. We have been using lots of team work and listening skills in PE, which has been helpful in the classroom when working with our learning partners. Well done Year 2.