What are the continents and oceans of the world?

This week we have been really working on good classroom behaviours, and working as a team. We have played team games and listening games through PE, and the children have shown that they can really work together nicely. Please continue to encourage your children to take turns when talking and playing kindly together. In English, we have been building sentences, and investigating what different types of words go into them. Nouns for names, adjectives to describe those nouns and our action verbs to let our readers know what is happening. The children have come up with some wonderfully descriptive sentences. In Maths, we have been looking inside tens and ones, partitioning them in different ways. In Geography, we looked at continents and oceans. The children loved revisiting the songs, and had remembered a lot from Year 1. In Science we explored what makes a good scientist, and how to plan out a good experiment. In RE this week, we started to look at Christianity, and talked about why Christians follow the example of Jesus. They drew some lovely pictures in their own books of their personal teachers/ role models, and you’ll be pleased to know that lots of you were included!