What is a noun?

We have had a brilliant first week in Year 2. The children have been amazing, adjusting to being in their new classrooms, and have resiliently worked through the heat as well. We have spent a lot of our afternoons having some PSHE time to check in with our own feelings by using the zones of regulation. It has also helped us understand each other's feelings more, and we have talked about tools we can use to regulate ourselves when we need to be calm. We have also spent time making and learning our new classroom rules, and talking about our personal goals for the year. In our English time, we have been investigating what a noun is. The children have written some wonderful sentences, and have really impressed us with their effort when adding lots of detail. As well as this, we have been revising Phase 5 phonics from last year. In our Maths time, the children have been showing us their knowledge of numbers up to 20, and have also been exploring how to partition numbers into tens and ones. Well done Year 2 for a great start to the year.