What makes a good non-chronological report (fact file)?

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Year 2 have come up with some very interesting reports about penguins – thank you so much to everyone who did some research with the children, they were so excited to share their facts with the others. In Maths, the children have learned lots about using money, and have shown us a good level of knowledge of the different coins and notes. In PSHE, we have talked about how to show kindness to others and how to give helpful feedback. In Geography, the children were fantastically behaved as we walked around our local area, and they had lots to say about the features they saw. We have also been learning more about games and testing them out in Computing. In R.E., the children investigated the different journeys that are described in the nativity story, from the perspective of Mary & Joseph, the shepherds and the wise men. The children have made some wonderful decorations for their Christmas hoop, which will be placed in the hall from Friday.