How do we recycle? What happens when we recycle?

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This week we have been amazed by how hardworking and persevering the children have been whilst we have undertaken our booklets. They have also been considerate and patient with each other as it has taken them different amounts of time, and they have behaved so respectfully in and around the classroom. Aside from the booklets, we have been describing the process of recycling in Science and the children drew some helpful posters to remind people how to recycle well. In RE the children were exploring the idea that Christians believe that Jesus is the light of the world. They then wrote down who in their lives guide them and help them, just as Jesus guides and helps Christians. Geography this week was all about map symbols, and the children had to investigate what each of the common map symbols meant. We have also spent time in the Hall, singing our Nativity songs and listening to each other speak their lines aloud, as we start working through each scene.