What are the names of the continents and oceans of the world?

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This week, Year 2 have been writing a letter to the jolly postman’s mum, from the jolly postman, all about his day. We have also been making inferences from pictures as well as text. In Maths, the children have continued to use number lines and picture representations to add and subtract, and have applied those skills to worded problems. In Geography, the children looked at a map of the world and labelled the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world. In Science, the children have learned what the word sustainability is, and made a pledge to show how we have all live more sustainably. R.E. this week was all about comparing two different festivals, Christmas and Diwali, looking at the connections between the two. We also sang our nativity songs all together, and came up with some lovely actions to remember the words!