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Year 2 News

Here you will find all the news articles from the Year 2 Team.

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  • Year 2: When did the Great Fire of London start, and what caused it?

    Published 18/04/24
    This week, the children have started learning all about the Great Fire of London, through History and English. In History, the children had to listen to the events of the story: The fire started on Pudding Lane on September 2nd 1666. It lasted for 5
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  • Year 2: What do clear instructions need to include?

    Published 27/03/24
    This week, Year 2 have been learning about instruction writing. We explored what makes good instructions and what doesn't, by first making jam sandwiches. We identified that if instructions weren't clear, our sandwiches weren't going to b
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  • Year 2: Design a bug hotel - what features will your microhabitat need?

    Published 21/03/24
    This week we have reviewed what a microhabitat is and how they might be different for a variety of animals/ insects. Microhabitats can provide alternative food and water sources, shelter and climate than larger habitats. Small animals such as insects
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  • Year 2: What features are there in a formal letter?

    Published 14/03/24

    Year 2 have been learning about what features there are in a formal letter. These include the recipient and sender's address, the date, a formal greeting and sign off and paragraphs. We have also learnt about how to use emotive language, questions and compound words and have used them in our Star Write. The children had to write a letter to Mayor Wibble Wobble of Toytown asking him to fix the bridge so that the toys could go to the Grand Opening of the theatre.



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  • Year 2: What are microhabitats and why do creatures live there?

    Published 05/03/24
    This week, Year 2 have been out in search of minibeasts, and the microhabitats they live in.  "Microhabitats are a very small part of a habitat e.g. a space between rocks. Microhabitats can provide alternative food and water sources
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  • Year 2: How do we create an algorithm?

    Published 29/02/24
    This week we learned what an algorithm is - a set of instructions that a machine will follow. The children were exploring how this works, by using the Bee Bots. We had to use the direction buttons on the Bee Bots and ensure that they travelled to the
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  • How long have toys existed?

    Published 22/02/24
    This week, we looked at lots of examples of early toys, including Ancient Greek yoyos from around 2500 years ago. Other examples of early toys are spinning tops, marbles and dolls. The children were asked to look at examples of toys throughout t
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  • Year 2: What is life in China like?

    Published 08/02/24
    To finish our topic work on China, the children have spent the week learning more about Chinese life and celebrations. We learned about Chinese languages, and had a go at writing some numbers and words. We learned more about the culture in China, as
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  • Year 2: What is a day in the life of a Chinese student like and how does this compare to your school day?

    Published 01/02/24
    This week in our Geography lesson, we compared our school day to the school day of a typical Chinese school. Although there were lots of similarities, the children were intrigued to hear about the differences. For example, the average school day
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  • Year 2: What happened on Monday?

    Published 25/01/24
    This week, the children had an exciting encounter with some dragon eggs. We were called into the hall by Mrs. Bell, who had asked us for our help. We then found some large, shiny eggs in a nest in the middle of the hall! We knew we had to investigate
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  • Year 2: What is inside a seed? What is the life cycle of a bean plant?

    Published 15/01/24
    This week, the children set up their experiments to see whether a plant will grow if we take away one of its basic needs. There are 5 pots, and four of them are missing either soil, water, light or temperature. The fifth one has all of the thing
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  • Year 2: Where is China located?

    Published 11/01/24
    The children really enjoyed our first lesson on our new topic, which is all about China. When we showed them the flag of China, the children knew instantly what it was, and had clearly spent some time over the holidays learning facts about China - so
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