What have you enjoyed in Year 1?
The children have had a busy week and coped really well in the hot weather.
This week in Literacy, we have read the story 'I'm Going on a Bear Hunt.' which the children all know really well and have been able to join in with. They have spent time sequencing the story and using the pictures to write their own version. They have written captions to support the pictures and used adjectives to describe what has been happening.
This week in Maths, we have continued to look at time. We have looked at O'clock and half past, how long different activities take and how we measure time. The children have enjoyed playing a range of time games to support their learning.
In RE, we have continued to look at Hinduism. This week we have looked at colours, what they represent and why they are important. The children enjoyed creating colourful pictures and recording why they are important.
In Science, we have continued looking at trees and how they are different. The children labelled the different trees. They looked at the different fruits and vegetables and where they grow and then sorted them into groups.