What part of the trip did you enjoy the most?

The children have had a very busy week. They had a great time on Tuesday at Nonsuch park and were very sensible on the walk there and back as well as when we were in the park. Thank you to everyone who helped us with the trip.
In Literacy, the children used their trip experience to write a recount of the day. We reminded the children of how to use time adverbs in their writing along with adjectives and conjunctions, and they have all produced amazing writing. They have spent time exploring how they can improve their sentences by correcting punctuation, adding adjectives and conjunctions.
In Maths, we have looked at telling the time using o'clock and how the little hand tells us the hour and the big hand tells us the minute. The children have spent time thinking about their day, sequencing events and making their own clocks.
We have had an art focus this week for 'Take One Picture' which the children have loved. They have listened to music and looked at parts of the painting before seeing the whole picture. They thought about how the music made them feel, what they could hear and guessed what the painting was going to be. After the children had seen the painting we carried out some drama based on what they could see using the music to inspire them.