Where are your taste buds?

The children have been very busy this week and worked hard on their English booklets.
The children have completed a Reading booklet all about the lifecycle of a butterfly, where they read the text and answered questions about what they had read. A Grammar and Spelling booklet where they improved sentences, rewrote a jumbled sentence and thought of a question starting with what.
In Maths, we have introduced numbers to 50 where the children have practiced their counting skills and shown how to represent the number using a ten frame. We have also looked at finding 1 more and 1 less than a number to 50.
In Science, the children had great fun exploring their sense of taste. They all enjoyed trying the different foods, even the lemon, and describing how they tasted. We have looked at our sense of smell where the children enjoyed describing what they could smell in the different pots.
In History, we have looked at who lives in a castle and focused on Windsor Castle. The children produced some excellent drawings of the castle and carefully labelled the different parts.