Who are the main characters in the story of Little Red Riding Hood?

Welcome back, it has been great to see all of the children back at school after the half-term break. The children have had a busy first week back at school and have enjoyed seeing their friends.
We have introduced our new topic this week 'Once Upon a Time' and the children have enjoyed sharing their knowledge of castles and what they would like to find out during the course of the topic.
In Literacy, we have read the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood' and the children have thought of actions to help retell the story. We have been practising asking questions and even had a wolf come to visit! The children thought of some fantastic questions to ask the wolf.
In Maths, we have been looking at subtraction and using a ten frame to help us find the answer. The children have been using the number cards to write their own number sentences for their friends to solve.
In Science, we have started looking at the human body and our senses. The children have enjoyed labelling the different parts of our body.
In Computing, we have created our own e card on Google Slides and the children have learnt how to insert a drawing onto their card.