What are the 5 oceans called?
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The children have had a brilliant week in school and have all been working hard. They have enjoyed both inside and outside activities and discovering more about this half-term's topic, 'Commotion in the Ocean'.
In English, the children have enjoyed using their knowledge of adjectives to write description clues to describe a sea creature for the adults to guess. They worked really hard and thought of some excellent sentences to describe their sea creature. They have been working hard with their reading and phonics; we have been very impressed with how they are applying their skills to help them complete their work.
In Maths, the children have been looking at numbers to 20 and investigating how they can make 20 in different ways. We have been encouraging the children to use their knowledge of their number bonds to 10 to help them. We have also spent time looking at 1 more and 1 less and played a game where the children had 3 dice to roll. 1 of the die told them the number, the next if they needed to find 1 more or 1 less and the final die told them how to move.
In Science, we have been looking at different sea creatures and creating our own fact files. We researched some information about a range of sea creatures and the children then chose which sea creature they would like to write about. They recorded its habitat, diet and then 1 interesting fact.
The children have also begun to create some wonderful sea creatures from clay in Art and Design - look out next week for a picture of the complete, painted versions.