What causes Commotion in the Ocean?

Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely break. The children have all settled back into school and had a good few days.
This week we have introduced our new topic 'Commotion in the Ocean' and we have discussed what we already know and what we would like to found out about the topic.
In English, we have introduced our story 'Commotion in the Ocean' and the children have enjoyed some drama activities where they have pretended to be different sea creatures from the story. They have thought about what else they would like to find out about the different sea creatures and practised writing questions to ask them.
In Maths, we have recapped 3D shapes and explored the classroom to see which 3D shapes we have there. The children have thought about the properties of the shapes and how they could use these to group them.
For computing this half-term, we are looking at app called Scratch Jr which is a coding app. The children have enjoyed exploring this on the iPad.