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Year 1 News

Here you will find all the latest news about our learning in Year 1.

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  • What is Sukkot?

    Published 24/02/23

    This week we have been reading 'The Deep Dark Woods'.  We have been writing character descriptions to describe the wolf and learning to ask questions and use question marks correctly.  The children enjoyed hot seating and taking on the role of the different characters.

    In Maths, we have been learning to find doubles of numbers and then using this knowledge to find near doubles.  The children have also been practising their mental maths to complete their challenges.

    In Computing, we have been researching e-cards and will be making some this half term.  In Science we discussed how we could test which material would be best to repair a torn umbrella, in preparation for completing the experiment next week.

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  • What is the Pacific Ocean like?

    Published 09/02/23

    The children really enjoyed their Science experiment this week investigating which materials were most suitable for building a house for the Three Little Pigs.  They were able to use descriptive language to identify the properties of different materials and explain why some materials were better than others.

    In English, we learnt how to use exclamation marks to express emotions.  We also learnt how to write exclamation sentences such as 'What colourful fish they are!' linked to our story Somebody Swallowed Stanley.

    In Geography, we learnt about the Pacific Ocean and identified its features.  We then compared the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.  In Computing this half term we have been creating algorithms to program a sprite to dance.  We have know learnt how to add sound to our codes.

    In Maths, we have been building our understanding of numbers to 20 and using our number bonds to 10 to help us recognise our number bonds to 20.

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  • What did you like about your puppet? How could you improve it?

    Published 03/02/23

    The children have all worked really hard this week on their Star Writes!  We read 'Barry and the Fish with Fingers' and learnt about how to write in first person and how to write letters.  We then made party invitations to celebrate that Barry had rescued Puffy.  We have been really impressed by the progress they are making in their writing.

    In Maths we have been learning to order numbers to 20 and add by counting on.  In Computing we learnt how to turn a dance algorithm into a code for a sprite to follow. In Geography we have been learning about the Atlantic Ocean and its features.  In RE we learnt about why the synagogue is a special place to Jewish people and discussed our own special places.

    On Wednesday we did DT for the day and the children produced some brilliant puppets.  The children can't wait to bring them home to show them to you.

    Well done to Red Class for a brilliant assembly!  They performed superbly and impressed everyone with how much they have learnt this half term.

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  • What was your favourite part about the SeaLife Centre?

    Published 20/01/23

    Year 1 have had a brilliant week and have all enjoyed their trip to the SeaLife Centre.  The children were all well-behaved and excited to go.  They loved seeing all the different sea creatures and touching the starfish.

    In English, we have been writing setting descriptions to describe the beach in 'Clean Up'.  We discussed what we need to do to keep our environment clean.  We then wrote so great recounts about our trip to London.

    In Maths, we have been finding one more and one less of numbers to 20.  We have been using number lines to order numbers to 20.

    In Geography, we have been learning about the five oceans and in Science we have been looking at the properties of different materials.

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  • What is an algorithm?

    Published 13/01/23

    This week in English we have been learning that conjunctions are joining words that can link two sentences together, or extend a sentence.  We have been focussing on how to use the conjunction 'and' both verbally and in our writing.

    In Maths we have been looking at the numbers 14 to 20.  We have been learning to identify and represent these numbers in different ways.

    In Computing we have been learning about algorithms and how they are used.  We recapped what we learnt in Autumn 1 about beebots and programming them and then applied our learning to using Scratch Jnr on the iPads.  The children used action commands to program their sprite to move.  They then explored how to change their sprites and edit the background.

    In Science we investigated different materials and in DT we designed puppets that we will be making this half term.  In Geography we learnt about the seas that surround the UK .

    ScratchJr - Learn

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  • How can we find rhyming words?

    Published 06/01/23

    This week in English we have been looking at the book 'Commotion in the Ocean' and reading poetry.  We have been learning how to recognise and find rhyming words by looking at the end sounds.  We then worked to create our own poems using rhyming words.  On Friday we then practised reading different poems and added our own actions before performing them to the class.

    In Maths we have been looking at writing teen numbers using ten frames to help us.  We have been practising counting up to 14 and forming the numbers correctly and ensuring that the numbers are the right way round.

    In DT we have been learning how to join materials using different methods, such as glueing, stapling and pinning,  The children will then be using these skills later to create their own puppets.

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  • What do pets need to stay happy and healthy?

    Published 09/12/22

    This week in English we have been reading 'Little Tree', which is about seasons.  We looked at how seasons effect trees and wrote sentences using adjectives to describe the changes.

    In Maths we have been learning to subtract using a number line and counting backwards.  We have also looked at fact families and writing 4 number sentences for each set of numbers.

    In Computing we have been learning to add pages to Googles Slides and in PSHE we have been looking at why we are unique.  In Geography we have been looking at maps symbols and creating our own maps of the school.

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  • What features do maps have?

    Published 25/11/22

    This week the children have completed their Maths Booklets and have worked really hard, showing resilience when completing some tricky maths problems.

    In English, we have been reading The Queen's Hat and using adjectives to describe different landmarks in London which the hat flew to.  We have also been working on our handwriting and spelling of words with the split digraph.  

    In Computing, we have been learning how to insert Drawings into Google Slides and have been working on our control, using the trackpad.  The children enjoyed our Science lesson investigating which materials would be best for clearing up an animal's mess.  The worked well within their groups to observe and investigate.

    In Geography, we have been looking at what features are on a map and why they are used and in RE we looked at the Bible and why it is special to Christians.  The children then enjoyed sharing their own special books with the class.

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  • What is the most important part of the church?

    Published 18/11/22

    The children have worked really hard this week completing their English Booklets.  We have been really impressed at how they've done and with their resilience to new challenges.

    In Maths, we have been looking at how to find missing parts on a part whole model using cubes, drawings and number lines.  In Science we investigated where woodlice live and explored the school grounds to find them.  We then created habitats for them to see which area they would prefer.  In Geography, we looked at what seasons the UK has and how climate change has affected them.

    For RE we went and visited pour local church.  We had a hunt to find different items in the church and had a great time.  We learnt about what the church is and why people go there.  The children behaved incredibly well and were excellent ambassadors for the school.

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  • What countries make up the UK?

    Published 11/11/22

    This week we have been reading Paddington Bear.  We have been writing postcards from Paddington to Aunt Lucy.  We then watched a clip of the film where Paddington floods the bathroom and described the scene using adjectives.

    In Maths in have been adding using part whole models and number lines.  In Geography, we used the VR headsets to explore different parts of the UK and learnt the countries' capital cities.  The children loved using the headsets to see how the countries were similar and different.  In Computing we looked at how picture books are created.  

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  • What is an adjective?

    Published 04/11/22

    Year 1 have had a great start to this half-term.  They have settled in to more structured learning in the morning quickly and have been working very hard. 

    This week in English we have been reading Paddington Bear.  We have been labelling pictures and writing sentences about them.  We have then begun learning about adjectives and the children are beginning to identify describing words that they can use in their writing.

    In Maths, we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and have been using part part whole models and 10 frames to help use.

    In Computing we have been learning how to login to the chromebook and learning how to use Numbots.

    Find a part using a part-whole model - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize -  BBC Bitesize What are ten frames? (And how they help your child make sense of numbers) -  Math, Kids and Chaos

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  • What have you learnt about privacy?

    Published 19/10/22

    This week we have been reading 'We're Going to Find the Monster' in English.  The children made good predictions about what the story was going to be about and wrote some fantastic sentences about the pictures.  In Maths we have explored part-part-whole models and learnt how numbers can be partitioned in different ways.  We have then used them to see how two parts can make a whole.  

    In PSHE we have been looking at what privacy means, what private parts are and what information to keep private. We have also had an anti-bullying workshop which the children all enjoyed.

    Year 1 have worked really hard this half term and we are very proud of the progress that they are making.  We hope you all have a well deserved rest next week, ready to come back for the next half term.

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