The Very Hungry Caterpillar

How can you work out if a number is odd or even?
At the end of last week we took delivery of some very small, and very hungry caterpillars. When we came in on Monday morning they had grown a lot. The children noticed that they were bigger, they looked spiky, and they were moving around the pots. On Tuesday they were beginning to make their way to the top of the pots. On Wednesday, they were hanging down and looking like Js. On Thursday they were spinning and spinning and by home time they were all chrysalises. On Friday we started waiting..... We will keep you updated.
In Maths we were practising sharing dinosaur food between two hungry dinosaurs. We had to work out if the number of pieces of food could be shared equally or whether there was a piece left over. The motivation for doing our maths this week was being able to eat the dinosaur food when we had finished.
Every morning we have been writing a sentence about bugs, in different situations such as, a beetle on its back and worm being eaten by a mole!