The King's Hats

What happened in the coronation?
What an exciting week it has been. In Reception we have been celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III. We made our own crowns and decorated them so they looked as splendid as St Edward's Crown which King Charles wore on Saturday. We read the story of the King's Hats by Sheila May Bird. King Charles is finding St Edward's Crown difficult to wear because it is so heavy. He talks to his gardener who reminds him that King's wear lots of different hats when they are doing their job. King Charles feels a lot better about wearing his crown in the end. In the mornings the children have been writing independent words and sentences about pictures on the Interactive White Board. This week's pictures have been about the Coronation. We have had some lovely sentences, using their phonic knowledge, about the crowns and the gold coach. In Maths we have been learning about adding more to a group and working out the total by counting on. We added quantities of dinosaurs together and also built a bus with chairs. We counted how many passengers got on and then added more passengers. How many passengers were there altogether? The children have been consolidating their knowledge of Spatial Reasoning by making jigsaw puzzles together, solving a tangram puzzle and also a Tetris puzzle. They were not as easy as they looked!