Dear Santa by Rod Campbell

What is your favourite part of the Wriggly Nativity, and why?
This was a very exciting week for Reception as the children performed a dress rehearsal of their nativity performance - Wriggly Nativity - in front of the whole school and then, on Wednesday and Thursday they performed, alongside Nursery, to a packed hall of parents. It really was 'standing room only'! They held their own, handled the microphone with aplomb and sang songs using Makaton signing. Scene changes went without a hitch - almost - and they all did themselves proud. They have only been at school for 12 weeks! They were absolutely Reception Superheroes! And while all that was happening, they also learned about shapes with four sides and four angles - some with sides that were the same length and others with two long and two short sides - I wonder if they can remember what they are called? We drew around templates of the shapes and decorated them to hang on the class Christmas tree. The classes are beginning to look really festive. We read the book, Dear Santa by Rod Campbell and, using this as inspiration, we filled our sacks with pictures of toys that we would really like and used our phonics to write down what they are called. On Friday, both classes got together to go to Forest School and toast marshmallows around a fire! What a busy week! I expect everyone will sleep well this weekend!