The Very Hungry Caterpillar

What will you eat on Saturday? Will it be as much as the Hungry Caterpillar?
This week the Children in Reception have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The Caterpillar has a veracious appetite and eats one more piece of fruit each day until, on Saturday he eats his way through a wide variety of food, including a cake, a pie and a pickle! Eventually he emerges from his cocoon as a beautiful butterfly! The children have loved retelling the story. They have even rewritten the story, choosing their own animal - or in one case, A Very Hungry Doughnut who ate a variety of humans all week!
In maths the children have been learning to create and recreate patterns and, importantly, to name their patterns - so identify the first part that gives us the rule for repeating it. We have also looked at The Snail by Henri Matisse. The children carefully studied how he used collage to create the spiral of the snail's shell, and they have used torn paper to create their own interpretations.
The very hot weather has meant the children are all wearing hats and sunscreen while enjoying themselves in the outdoor learning space. Liberal amounts of water have been flowing, which is helping to keep us all cool!