The Gruffalo

What is your favourite book and why?
This week we have been celebrating World Book week and in Reception the children voted to use the book The Gruffalo. This is a familiar story for the children but they have really enjoyed exploring the story further and learning to retell it themselves. We have spent the week using the story to develop lots of skills across the curriculum. The children have been very creative and used their imaginative skills to make their own Gruffalo using chocolate flavoured play dough combined with other materials for eyes, nose etc. We have been so impressed with just how creative they have been. They used their imagination to draw their own version of a Gruffalo and then use all their phonic knowledge to write simple sentences describing their Gruffalo, His eyes are green and his nose is red. They thoroughly enjoyed this and worked very hard to remember all they needed to do to structure a sentence. They made their own books, joining the pages and then wrote their own stories. A lot of the stories were based around The Gruffalo story but it should they had a good understanding of the story sequence and used all the sounds they know to spell words when writing their version of the story. Alongside all the lovely equipment we have outside, the children also made masks and hunted for the other characters (their friends) in the story. Both inside and outside they have had some lovely sensory experiences exploring cooked spaghetti (scrambled snake) and oats (Gruffalo Crumble) which have developed some lovely descriptive language as well as a very messy classroom!
In Maths we have been finding all the different ways we can build the numbers 9 and 10 and wrote number sentences like 6 + 4 = 10 or 3 + 6 = 9. Who knew there were so many ways to make those numbers?