Pumpkin Soup

What do you think makes a good friend?
This week we have been reading about the three friends who made a tasty soup together in Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. Each friend had their own job that helped to make a tasty soup, but things went a bit awry when one of the friends wanted to change their job. The children have retold the story and acted out the parts using props. They have thought about what makes a good friend and how they can be good friends to each other. Many friendship bracelets and cards have been made and exchanged and some lovely explanations in words and writing, have been given about how much they love their friends and why.
In Maths we have been looking at time. How long does a minute last? Is it a long time or a short time? Well both classes did really well testing this out by sitting in silence for a minute! Their challenge this week was to see how many activities they could do in a minute, such as star jumps, counting to 10, building a block tower or touching their toes. Later in the week we looked at photos of some of our teachers and our friends when they were babies. We talked about what we looked like and what we could do when we were babies and how we have changed as time has moved on, and we have grown older.