New News 17/09/21
What is your favourite story?
This week we are so proud of how well all the children have settled for the first week of full sessions. We understand that each of the children are on their own individual journeys in terms of separation from their parents, and we are committed to ensure that each of the children feel confident to become independent within the Nursery setting. All of our parents should have received their first 'Peek at the Week' today which will provide you with a weekly insight into all the things that the children are learning in Nursery. This week we have started reading our first '3 a day' story: Toddle Waddle. We will read this story with the children every day and they will very soon be able to retell the story and 'read' the pictures. Maybe you could share this book at home too. From next week we will also be encouraging the children to choose a book from our library to take home and share with their families.