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Nursery: Why is Yippy one of our school superheroes?

Wow! What a busy but super exciting week we have had in Nursery this week. We have been learning all about Lunar New Year and how it is celebrated. Some people refer to this festival as Chinese New Year but it is not only celebrated in China, it is a major festival in lots of Asian countries. We have been reading the story of the Great Race by Emily Hiles. In the story, the animals are all arguing because they want the New Year to be named after them. The Emperor has a good idea and challenges the animals to a race and he explains that the winner of the race can have the year named after them.

We also celebrated Superhero day and this was a lovely celebration of everything we have been learning about different jobs and how different people help us. The children dressed as fictional and real life superheroes and talked about everything they had learnt. We also had a visit from Yippy our lollipop person and she taught us all about her job and how she helps to keep children safe when they come to Dorchester Primary School.