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The Very Hungry Worry Monsters

What can you do if you feel worried?

This week in Nursery we have been reading the story of 'The Very Hungry Worry Monsters' by Rosie Greening. In this story we meet different worry monsters who eat different worries to help us to feel better including the 'worried-about-baths monster,' 'scared-of-the-dark monster' and the 'worried-about-worrying monster.' We also learnt different strategies to help us re-regulate when we feel strong emotions including telling someone about worries, exercising, breathing or drawing our worries down. The children made their own worry monster stress balsas to keep with them to help them when they are worried. We also looked at the zones of regulation, assigning feelings to colours. We have been thinking about worries that we may have about moving to a new class but we have also been thinking about what we are really looking forward to. Lots of the children have drawn letters to their teachers showing what they are looking forward to in Reception or with their new friends in Nursery.