Nursery Update 16/7
What is your best memory of your time in nursery this year?
This week the Nursery children have been reflecting on their time in Nursery. We have been finalising their learning journals and the children have really enjoyed looking back and thinking about all the different things that they have learnt during their time with us. We are busy preparing for our end of Nursery Celebration next Thursday and can’t wait to share one of our favourite 3 a day stories with our Parents/Carers. We have also enjoyed sharing some pirate stories and thinking about whether pirates are good role models or not. We had a fantastic pirate day, but we were disgusted to find out that some pirates don’t brush their teeth and don’t get a kiss goodnight. All the children worked together to create pirate ships, and you won’t believe all the different creatures we saw when we were sailing the seven seas. The children all did some fantastic mark making to make treasure maps and these helped us find the treasure, but we also had to walk the plank. We were all very brave and helped each other.